On earth, humans speak of a disease.
In the spirit world, they speak of an imbalance.
1. Introductory words:
So much is in motion, in turmoil, in change, in resistance.
The resistance is very great. And this resistance in the human being also has an effect in these popular diseases. Because an illness is actually a learning opportunity, but many people don’t see it that way! They see it as suffering – as suffering because they are missing something. And you would like to have this missing thing back. But actually the illness is a wake-up call, a wake-up call of the soul. Because what suffers?
First the soul suffers and then the body. If the soul suffers, then it means: look, listen and become aware of it, give it time, adjust to a change. Because when this illness is cured, life is different: other impulses come, other thoughts come. It is a reorganization of life – life that is connected with relationships, with profession, with hobbies.
All of this can change. It is also possible for people to find themselves anew. It is a new placing in the own living space, in the own relationship space.
And this is what many people still do not understand! They think, after an illness the life goes on immediately. But this is not so!!! That is why illness is a great challenge for people and why there are so many widespread diseases.
What does the human being want, what does the human being strive for?
Many people want to have it good. Many people want to live an easy life. Many people don’t want to confront learning problems.
Many people do not have a connection to their soul yet! Because to be able to hear the soul, it needs a relation to it. It needs conscious time to spend with the soul, so that a connection can develop to the own soul. And if the soul is not heard, then the pain, the suffering, is transferred to the body. And when the body suffers, hurts, then it is often for the person to pause, a wake-up call. And often it is when the discomfort becomes too great, the suffering becomes too great, then he is forced to pause and look at this. This also gives the possibility to dissolve a lot of resistances afterwards.
All these widespread diseases are also connected with industrialization, with science, with the pharmaceutical companies, because they deliberately change things that are not good for your body.
Every person actually has the task to look to himself and find out what is good for his soul and what is good for his body.
But in the course of time, with the change of food, with the change of eating habits, with the change of climate, with all the poisonings that arise, it is not like before that people were much healthier! They were not exposed to all these influences.
Therefore this is a big challenge for the human being!!!
And if he wants to escape these popular diseases, then it is important that he informs himself, that he informs himself about the science, that he informs himself about the food, that he informs himself about the climate, so that the really – for himself – can perceive what he needs, in order to find in this poisoned world, around him these genetically manipulated food, around from it for itself the best.
What are other possibilities?
It is important that he directs his attention to the healthy possibilities, that he can feel out the attention in connection with his soul for himself, can hear out, also in connection with his body, what is healthy for him, what is important for him in connection with his attitude to life.
It takes a great deal of commitment to get to know what is good for oneself. It also needs a very big interest for himself, to swim against the current, not to subordinate himself to the big mass, to be on the way individually, so that he can get out of this maelstrom of false information, of impairments, of influences, so that he can get out of it and find his own individual healing!
Source: Archangel Chamuel in April 2023, received by the channel medium Serilla C., member of the internet association “The lovers from far away”.
→ List of answered disease questions
2. How can we recognize, integrate and dissolve resistance?
Let yourself be enveloped by the light, let yourself be connected with the light, let yourself be carried by the light, let yourself become aware: “YOU are the light”, YOU are light”!
This is my most important message to you.
Where is the light?
The light is everywhere within you. You are supplied with light from below, you are supplied with light from above. This connection is always there! This connection never breaks!
What is it that you often cannot perceive this light?
It is your doubts, your deep-seated doubts. It is your convictions. It is your trust, which is often too weak! Where is your faith? All this prevents that your light can shine, that your light can flow in you, that your light can work outside. You are the light, connected with your greater light.
Because where do you come from?
From the source! You are connected with the source, you are connected with mother earth, with the matter! Between these two energy currents you are the body, materialized on this earth – THAT IS YOU.
Through meditations you recognize how your energy channels are flowing or not flowing. Clean your channels, clean your aura layers, clean your chakra system, clean yourself – every day, so that your energy, your light comes into flow, so that this flow is not interrupted! At the same time your light is a great power, so that this power in your center centers you, gives you support.
You have MANY tools that you can use. But if you are distracted by external things that are more important, it will be difficult to carry out a regularity in your light work. It is important to establish a regularity, because this way you can keep your energy level, this way you can come, the longer – the more, also into your “I Am” power.
What is the “I Am” power?
It is your divinity, your divine core – the greatest power you possess! Being connected to this power, day in and day out, being aware of this power, day in and day out, will activate your light, will make your light flow. This power gives you strength, self-confidence, ground, inner center.
I Am – two short words.
Think about these two short words! These words contain such a great power and the more you are connected with this “I Am” power, the less you will be distracted by OUTSIDE influences, the less you will be influenced by your doubts, your displeasure, your comfort!
Go in connection with your “I Am”. This will also give you the opportunity to hold your energy. This will give you the opportunity to be in your greatest power.
I wish it for you – you light beings, which you are. Greetings.
Source: Archangel Raphael in April 2023, received by the channel medium Serilla C., member of the internet association “The lovers from far away”.